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Sometime in early 2012, as I was lying in bed one night a word came strongly to mind... ITINERANT... from there a thought... Bringing Jesus to people... 
The idea was clear and it became a vision of an Itinerant Church that has no walls, with the mission of "Bringing Jesus to people and people to Jesus".
The whole idea is of reaching "unchurched" people wherever they are at - an Itinerant Church has been in my heart and mind since late 80's.
I have long ago realized that there is a tremendous need to create an environment that fosters on people’s hearts a disposition to listen and to receive what Jesus has for them.


Months went by since that night and like Mary (Jesus' mom) I kept it all in my heart. One day I shared the vision with one of my co-workers. She immediately "got it" and embraced it with enthusiasm. She became the first advocate of the mission. Her reaction was very encouraging. I worked on a document with my initial thoughts, started praying and talking to people I really trust and respect.
Since then God has been showing us how to keep moving forward and also opening many doors to make this vision a reality.
In our minds and hearts we know that we should not sit still waiting for people to come to church.
We must GO, just like Jesus asked us to do… GO out there to spread the good news and make disciples of all nations.
Americo Bruno
Please click here to listen to my testimony



Adjective: traveling from place to place.

Noun: a person who travels from place to place.


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